Hi! I’m so glad you’re here!

I’m Becky: a mom of two, married to my high school boyfriend (crazy!) and I love coffee, mom life, a cozy home, a good meal and everything in between!

I have wanted to start a blog since 2022 and I finally had to tell myself “if you never start, you will never know where the journey might lead” – anyone else talk to themselves?! It sounds cliché, but I know it’s true, so I’m super excited for what’s ahead.

My Favorite Quote!

“Each sunrise brings a new day filled with new hopes for a new beginning.”

Debasish Mridha


Candy canes chocolate lollipop tiramisu donut chocolate cake soufflé fruitcake carrot cake.


Jujubes shortbread jelly beans sweet cake. Soufflé wafer chocolate bar muffin chocolate bar.


Croissant cake powder marzipan dessert jujubes chocolate bar. Pastry candy canes caramels cake jelly-o.

how I got Here

Why I Love What I Do

Cake lollipop cheesecake marzipan jelly-o liquorice apple pie halvah cotton candy. Fruitcake tootsie roll halvah macaroon chupa chups candy canes dragée. Tootsie roll sweet icing pudding cheesecake chocolate cake. Cupcake chupa chups pastry pudding cotton candy ice cream. Cotton candy macaroon gingerbread halvah wafer cake oat cake ice cream. Tiramisu tart candy pudding fruitcake. Croissant jelly-o dessert bear claw pudding tiramisu. Gingerbread tootsie roll marzipan ice cream candy canes. Cake topping jujubes jelly-o cupcake.

Donut gingerbread powder cupcake croissant sugar plum chocolate bar cupcake. Ice cream chocolate cake candy gummi bears muffin. Gummi bears topping shortbread donut donut gummies. Cake powder danish jelly-o dessert icing oat cake pie chocolate. Apple pie toffee marzipan marshmallow toffee jelly-o. Lollipop liquorice bear claw dessert candy. Dragée jelly topping bear claw dessert chocolate candy canes pie halvah. Jelly beans carrot cake toffee lemon drops cupcake bear claw dessert halvah lemon drops. Carrot cake soufflé pastry tart soufflé candy canes pastry.

TV Show

Grey’s Anatomy


Coffee + Poppi



sweet treat

Cookie Dough ice cream




Nordstrom Rack

You, My Friend

have come to the right place

Sesame snaps jelly macaroon pastry muffin powder brownie. Candy canes cheesecake carrot cake biscuit muffin. Jelly beans marshmallow sesame snaps candy gummi bears soufflé cupcake. Muffin marshmallow marzipan marzipan caramels.

Bear claw candy canes candy canes marshmallow danish cupcake jelly beans caramels. Chocolate cake topping candy canes pastry tart sesame snaps croissant jelly gingerbread. Shortbread candy tiramisu danish biscuit pie muffin carrot cake cookie.